
colorant 2008-5-10 3062

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最新回复 (6)
  • cxiang 2008-5-10
  • LWAG 2008-5-10
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    The Cheap wow gold buy wow power leveling aion wedding dresses wow power leveling purpose of this guide is to answer the commonly asked questions about the Engineering profession, provide you with information and data about it, and give you a number of hints to help you in your quest in mastering aion gold this profession! Engineering is the ability to create many new and useful technical gadgets in the World of Warcraft. It is a slightly futuristic ability for a fantasy world, that focuses on the creation of bombs, gun scopes, gadgets and more. Best of all anyone can become engineering. The people that choose to take up the engineering profession can wow gold make some pretty useful gadgets and equipment that add a technological aspect to World of Warcraft. To make bombs. Do you really need more reasons than that? OK, how about to make bigger bombs? Still not selling you? Ok, how about the ability rez players (using goblin jumper cables) or to create a helm equivalent to a tier 5 raid helm or your own helicopter as a flying mount at level 70! wedding dresses Got you there, didnt I. The items that an engineer makes are very useful as well as humorous. Being an engineer will definitely add to your experience in World Of Warcraft. Your hooked, you want to make bombs, dont you. Well there are a few downsides to engineering that you should know about before jumping in head louis vuitton handbags first. There are several bad points about engineering, such as: many items you create can backfire causing bad effects, and many items are expensive to create, most items can only be used by an engineer meaning you dont make much money. Mining goes well with engineering as metal bars are a common ingredient in Engineering recipes. Its less expensive in the long run if wedding dresses you choose mining as your second primary trade skill. cxyjgnmfbnvs In your skills section, there will be an engineering icon, click it to bring up your list of patterns. cxy